Worship & Music

(Bylaws Art. VI, Sec. 2)


This ministry serves with the pastor to provide uplifting musical and spiritual experiences for the church–on Sunday mornings and other seasonal and worship events.  Whether it’s singing a beloved hymn, enjoying a moving piano solo, a lively chime choir selection, or instrumental piece, music sets the tone for our worship.

Your own musical talents are needed!  We welcome any level of musical experience– singers, chime players, and instrumentalists–to contact our musicians or pastor and help us make a Joyful Noise!

In addition to music, this busy team also assists in the preparation of the sacraments.  They also recruit, train, and support volunteers to lead worship – including lay readers (liturgists,) ushers, Communion servers, and acolytes.

  • Chime Choir, directed by Carlyn Grantham – Practice times to be announced